Monday Quote: Snow Falling Soundlessly in the Middle of the Night Will Always Fill my Heart with Sweet Clarity | A Rose in Bloom

Ah snow. Perhaps you have grown sick of it. Perhaps you are tired of the dreadful slush it becomes when the temperature rises a few degrees. Perhaps you just want to return to "normal life." I, however, will never grow tired of snow. Watching the flakes drift unashamedly and without strategy is perhaps one of the most tranquil things you can find in life. Waking up to see everything covered in what appears as an icing-like substance feels like magic. If snow makes me you feel ill in the pit of your belly, try to rethink that.

For many, first instinct when gazing upon these little white crystals is to make a pot of coffee and stay indoors for the day. While this serves many merits on its own, I encourage you to bundle up and float outside. Be the first one out in the morning and focus on the snowflakes hitting your nose, the fluff below your feet dispersing into a new home as it lightly kisses your boots and flies a few inches away, and the peace of being alone in nature's finest.  Remind yourself that in this moment, you are fortunate. You have been graced with this experience and that is always a powerfully calming sensation.

This winter has been the best snow experience for me. Originally hailing from Alabama, I never saw a lot of snow in my childhood. Although this winter has been abnormally cold and snowy for the bluegrass, this season has made me grateful to experience a true winter.

What was your favorite winter?
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