Friday DO: Cook a Different Vegetable | A Rose in Bloom
Photo and Recipe from The Kitchn

In order to save the monies lately, I decided to try a produce co-op. $15 every two weeks for a laundry basket full of produce seems like a great purchase. The catch? What the eff to do with some things you have never used before in your life. I found myself straddled with two bulbs of fennel, something I have never, ever bought. I knew you could use it in pasta (thank you Liz Lemon), but I would need another dish too. The Kitchn came to the rescue, as usual. But the recipe is not really what this post is about. I had to try something different on a whim and I quite liked the feeling. Broadening the palate has been such an important thing to do. Just the feeling of saying that you tried something new seems like such a triumph. So this weekend, go to the market and buy something you have never eaten. Find a recipe, and savor the experience.

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