Roses Bloom Anytime | A Rose in Bloom

Hello all,

As you can see, with the exception of my outfit roundup, I have been on a much needed break from my hobbies here and I have returned a new woman. A few weeks ago I accomplished something I had been yearning to complete for the better part of this year - a name change. I just didn't feel like the same girl who used LamentingLizzie as an AOL screen name so many years ago. I have grown, refined, and bloomed into a more authentic, mature person and I knew I needed something to reflect that but it took me oh so long to find a perfect title to reflect who I am today as opposed to yesterday. This also leads to other changes I have been wanting to implement in my life, and I feel like 2015 is the perfect year to start begin the transformation.

You see, for quite some time I have had a burning whisper in my stomach telling me to consume less in life. Waste less. Invest in simplicity. I was already standing with my toes off the cliff, but the commercialization of Christmas gave me a shove from behind and sent me soaring through the air. I won't prance through a tirade, but I will say this: I have been abundantly blessed. I do not need more things and the concept of constantly dragging complications into my life makes me want to rip out of my skin and start a new body. I want a simpler life, savoring experiences and good company. I want to spend more time enjoying wine, hookah, and vinyl over shopping for things I don't need. Go to museums, concerts, and zoos. I want to fill my time with feelings that are wholesome and make me want to be a better person.

This might also mean less posts, but certainly higher quality posts. I have already started transitioning the blog somewhat... because I love so, so much more than fashion. Styles and fashion will always be a passion of mine, but I honestly cannot afford to keep up the way some do. There is nothing wrong with keeping up with trends or buying something new because you feel good, but it's not working for me. I only want to buy what I love, which means yes, sometimes you buy something just because you wants it! However, overall, I want to keep it simple. Take it easy.

Simplicity really is key. 

Besides, I have other passions... cooking, photography (I want a new camera in 2015!), music, and reading. In fact, I've been to so many concerts and read so many good books in 2014, that I am almost ashamed I have not shared them with you because to me, experiences are more valuable than anything in the world. ALL good things are meant to be shared, lest they lose their value entirely, so that is what I will do. 

P.S. This does not mean outfit posts will disappear! It just means they will be more organic and less concerned with buying into new things. When I stumble upon a beautiful root, I will be sure to share. Besides, saving money from not buying so many clothes = more money in the camera fund. XOXO
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