How I have Spent Summer at Home | A Rose in Bloom

I'll be honest. I have been less involved with blogging because of days like these. I have tendency to put artificial pressure on myself to stick to rigid schedules and constantly be running through to do lists, but this summer has been different. The blogging break I forced to take thanks to moving taught me that I don't need to do anything in my spare time. Whatever I want to do will make me happy.

And so I have been focusing on reading, thrifting, and making my home a place I love to be. For the first time in my adult life, I feel like my whole life is a tranquil act of beauty. So I am happy to sit in this place, filled with new life, thrifted furniture, incense, and natural light pouring in through the windows. These are my Sundays.

I thrifted this dress recently, have been wearing it non stop, and could not think of a better place to photograph it than my lovely home we have carved for ourselves. Besides, this is what I look like most days lately - a thrifted dress, hair pulled back, bare faced and footed on the rug... just enjoying everything that comes.

My home is still a work in progress, and I have much more to show you, but for now, I will be content to read, smell the luscious smoke creeping away from my incense tray, and water philodendrons and bromeliads.

I am sure I will find new energy come fall - I usually do. But for now, let's enjoy these pictures for what they are - a moment of rest and peace and, hopefully, a foretelling of many Sunday afternoons to come.

What have you done with your summer? Also, do you have any favorite houseplants? I'm a little obsessed and may have to dedicate a post to show off all my little green children. :)

P.S. New lens, 35mm. I am so so happy to finally be able to get wider shots for indoors. So happy.

Stay Beautiful,


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