The Truth of Freedom and How to Find Your Own | A Rose in Bloom
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To walk along the rolling hills and through the winding paths, wearing nothing that matches, nothing planned, a hodge podge hobo-ish ramble of things you love whilst the wind blows through your hair. That is the truth of freedom.

When you are stopped and asked by an old man about your camera setup and why are you taking pictures of yourself and how often do you come here (really, what do you say?) and you tell him you are student of photography and realize you are not wrong - that is the truth of freedom.

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I could go on and on about the truth of freedom. I could write a long list of run-on sentences and random scribbles of thoughts typed on a white screen, but I think we all know our own truth of freedom: it is a collage of moments that make us thankful to be human beings.

-Being able to set out on a path without a hundred layers fluffing our sides like a polar bear.
-Seeing more than just a speck of daylight as the days grow older and wiser.
-Allowing the winds to brush against your cheekbones without recoiling and wrinkling your face into a chasm.
-Finally seeing the color speckle itself back into your life in soft shades that are just enough.
-Knowing what "just enough" is.
-Being able to stop in a single moment and say "this is what life is about."
-Knowing that sometimes that moment might only involve a lemon cake bursting onto your tongue.
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Any moment that feels truly yours, even if it doesn't make sense, can be your own truth of freedom. On this day, it was pairing things that do not match, that perhaps do not even look that great together, but all of which made me undeniably happy in that moment. So perhaps life does not always have to match perfectly, but only to go together. That is what my fashion sense, and even at times my whole lifestyle, has become.
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 Happy Easter my loves. I hope spring is treating you with the kindness to find your freedom.

Stay Beautiful,


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