Vegetables with Breakfast | A Rose in Bloom
Who gets their daily veg?  Apparently not nearly enough Americans.  I myself have been trying to eat more every day.  Having a daily green salad helps.  Soups and pasta sauces also help. But what many people forget is that you can start your day with vegetables too.  Mixing greens into your eggs is a great way to do this!  Kale is chock a bock full of calcium, something that many of use don't get enough of either.  What with Coke advertisements everywhere and people bringing sweets to work, we probably deplete more calcium than we intake half the time.  Almond milk is another great way to get more calcium than dairy, so I decided to mix the two for a great, healthy breakfast.


2 cups or 2 handfuls kale, chopped and tough stalk removed
2 eggs
Splash of Almond Milk
1 teaspoon coconut oil
Seasonings to taste (I used salt, pepper, garlic, and paprika)

Begin by chopping the kale.  Tear the leaves away from the tough stalk and chop finely.  Mix eggs in a bowl and add a splash of almond milk to make creamy.  Add seasonings.  In a small skillet, heat a spoonful of coconut oil slowly.  Mix kale into egg mixture and pour into pan.  Cook on medium-low heat until eggs are done and kale is cooked.  Serve on a plate with yogurt and fruit parfait and hot tea.  Serves two or one hungry person!

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